Prosecutors for Justice

Prosecutors are charged with the responsibility to seek justice and protect the safety of all members of our communities, and to do so with truth and transparency. In light of this calling, the Santa Barbara County Deputy District Attorneys Association would like to take a moment to reflect on what is transpiring across the nation…

Santa Barbara Deputy District Attorney Association Urges a No Vote on Prop. 57

Prop. 57 claims to only apply to non-violent offenders, however, the plain language of proposition tells another story.  Instead, Prop. 57 amends the California Constitution to allow the state prison bureaucracy to undercut lengthy sentences of career violent offenders without any court or voter oversight.  After 5 straight years of shortening prison sentences and decriminalizing…

Important information about Reed initiative

  Attorney General:  Reed initiative eliminates constitutional protections for vested pension benefits     By ADDA Board of Directors   The California Attorney General has acknowledged that the scope of Chuck Reed’s initiative is to eliminate constitutional protection for the vested pension benefits for all current public employees, and subject their future salaries and benefits…